My Gov School Experience

Hello, my name is Luke Akers. I am a rising senior from Memphis University School. At school I am involved in many clubs and play clarinet in the band. In my free time I like to hang out with friends, listen to music, and play video games. My favorite school subject is math which led me to Governers school. I have always been good at math and enjoy it. It is like a difficult puzzle you have to solve. I have some background in the subjects taught at the math program such as matrices; however, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of these concepts. I also hope it can help me for Advanced Topics, a challenging math class I am taking at my school next year. I hope GSSE can help me improve my STEM skills and meet like-minded people. I also hope it can help me narrow down a career choice and gain exposure to the college lifestyle. 


  1. I'm going to have to ask you about Memphis University School! I haven't heard of it before.


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