June 18: Machine Learning

Machine Learning Talk

Today in STEM Skill we had a guest speaker named Dr. Schuman. She talked to us about Machine Learning. First, she explained the difference between learning and memorizing. When training an AI, it is important that the machine is learning and not just memorizing the training set. You train an AI by giving it training data and letting it check itself. Machine Learning is used everywhere from Google's search engine to self-driving cars. Then, she told us about k nearest neighbors and how AI can recognize objects. She used the example of apples and oranges and graphed known values for each. Then one must determine 
if k of the nearest neighbors are mostly apple oranges. She also told us about Neural Networks and how neurons communicate with synapses. A Chatbot as complex as ChatGPT has trillions of synapses.

    The most interesting thing I learned is how Neural Networks and Machine Learning models are models to imitate our brains. It has neurons and synapses that send each other messages just like our brains. I also found it intriguing how math can be used in Machine Learning to graph and recognize objects. 

    This information in this presentation is useful as it gave me a fundamental understanding of how AI works. AI is the future and understanding how it works will be instrumental in many future jobs. Understanding the Machine Learning behind these chatbots will become increasingly more important. 

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